  Site Submission

If you want your web site to be included in our recommended sites directory, you must provide all the required information and a visible reciprocal link to our site.

  • Before listing your site, make sure you have a reciprocal link to somewhere on your site. We receive many submissions each day, and having a reciprocal link in place will ensure it is worth the time and effort of reviewing your site.
  • Your link to our site must be on a page which is linked from your home page.
  • You must own your domain name. No sites being hosted on free services will be listed.
  • Do not submit your site if it is still under construction.
  • Sites with adult content, warez, or any kind of illegal activity will not be accepted. Web sites should be related to our site.
It's simple - the more prominent your link is to us,
the more prominent our link is to you!
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Your website URL *required
Site Name
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Site description
Your link to is on *required
tumpline internet home | associations | bloodstock agents | bookmakers | links | information | jockeys | portals | racecourses | race horse trainers | sales | studs | syndicates